4 Alcatel-Lucent Digital Home Care Solution
The Alcatel-Lucent Solution
The Alcatel-Lucent Digital Home Care solution is a comprehensive
solution designed to solve your home networks management challenge
and associated end-user support interactions. It cares for all fulfillment
and assurance processes applied to home networks and triple-play services.
The solution helps you deliver the service quality and experience your
customers expect. It allows a comprehensive approach, spanning from
the access loop to the home, enabling you to make more appropriate
service-provisioning decisions and to diagnose problems faster and more
accurately. Thanks to its high degree of automation and advanced trou -
bleshooting, you can manage large networks while keeping the cost of
operations at a reasonable level.
The Alcatel-Lucent Digital Home Care solution is built around products and
expertise from Alcatel-Lucent and Motive. It benefits from both Alcatel-
Lucent’s expertise in end-to-end network solutions for triple-play and
operations support systems (OSSs), and from Motive’s position as a leading
provider of management software for next-generation broadband services.
The Alcatel-Lucent Digital Home Care solution is a standards-based,
vendor-agnostic solution. It manages new customer premises equipment
(CPE) based on the DSL Forum’s TR-069 management interface and is
designed to easily cope with legacy devices deployed in the field. This makes
Alcatel-Lucent Digital Home Care an open and multivendor management
solution, ideal for a smooth transition from current to future generation
home networks. Figure 2 provides an overview of Alcatel-Lucent’s Digital
Home Care solution.
HSIA E-mail WiFi IPTV VoIP Security Parental Control
Service Management
• Facilitate and automate installation
• CSR-assisted support/self-service
• Accelerate repair and troubleshooting
• Add-on services (home networking, security, etc.)
Home Network Management
• Provisioning automation
• Device management (configuration,
software, etc.)
• Mass operations automation
Access Loop Management
• Loop pre-qualification and verification
• Diagnostics, problem location
and troubleshooting
Fulfillment Assurance
Figure 2. Alcatel-Lucent Digital Home Care Solution Overview
Almost half the world’s leading broad -
band providers rely on Motive software
to install, configure, repair and update
their voice, video and data services –
driving the cost and complexity out
of management processes and helping
providers speed time-to-market with
new services. Since 1997, Motive
software has been used in connection
with more than 45 million endpoints,
including products and services from
market leaders such as AT&T, BT, Bell
Canada, Deutsche Telekom, Softbank,
Swisscom, Telecom Italia, Verizon and
many more.