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Speech Vocals Guitar/Bass
Instruments Installed sound Live sound
TV studio Theater Worship center
The WMS 4000 is probably the most inno-
vative professional wireless system available
today. It is based on intensive R&D and has
been thoroughly tested under real-life con-
ditions before being released for produc-
tion. The objective of AKG’s design
engineers was extremely ambitious.
Therefore, all competitive systems were
tested for ease of use and real-life reliabili-
ty. Users were then asked to make a wish
list of additional functions. These sugges-
tions were examined for feasibility. The result
is the new WMS 4000 wireless microphone
system that had stirred up speculations and
discussions within the audio community
even before it was launched. The most stri-
king detail of the new WMS 4000 Series is
the advanced backlit display on both the
handheld and bodypack transmitters and
the receiver. The display makes it easy to
check the selected preset and other impor-
tant parameters including remaining battery
capacity in hours, gain setting, or intermo-
dulation-free frequencies. The WMS 4000
transmitters provide a “Silent Mode” in
which you can set all system parameters
such as carrier frequency, gain, etc. without
transmitting an RF signal. A “hidden” pilot
tone in the 30 kHz range transmits battery
status data to the receiver and allows auto-
matic muting of the receiver audio outputs
in case of signal loss.
The SR 4000 Stationary Receiver is a true
diversity receiver that ensures exceptional
reliability. A 30 MHz wide UHF subband
allows many wireless microphones to be
used simultaneously for smooth multichan-
nel operation. An automatic frequency
scanner and setup function quickly finds
the best intermodulation-free frequencies
from a bank of presets. The SR 4000 is
highly frequency agile to accommodate any
changes in frequency plans that may vary
from date to date and location to location.
Unlike conventional wireless systems, the
WMS 4000 components allow frequencies
to be reprogrammed quickly and easily at
any time.
The CU/BP 4000 charging system is a true
innovation. The SBMS Smart Battery Ma-
nagement System includes a number of
intelligent monitoring functions. Inflection
Point and Peak Voltage Detect stops the
charging in time, while an integrated tem-
perature sensor in the battery pack protects
the battery from overheating. A self-dis-
charge counter ensures correct charging
after the battery pack has been stored for a
long time.
AKG uses advanced, future-oriented tech-
nologies for antennas as well. Several direc-
tional and omnidirectional antennas are
available for every conceivable application,
for small worship centers, theater produc-
tions, or large arenas.