Optional Accessories:
H 30 Elastic Suspension
H 38 Elastic Shock Mount
SA 38/H Elastic Shock Mount/Stand Adapter
KA 38 Camera Adapter to operate the
Microphone via
the H 38 on Film- or Video-Came-
B 18 + A 48 V Battery Supply Unit + 48V Adapter
N 62 E Power Supply Unit for two micro-
N 66 E Power Supply Unit for six micro-
General Description:
The design of this microphone is based on over thirty
years of experience and gained know-how in con-
denser microphone development of our R & D en-
gineers and at the same time considers new and fu-
ture orientated technologies. The microphone meets
therefore the highest technical standards and will
withstand rough handling in studio applications.
Special attention has been paid within this micro-
phone to the complete linear transfer characteristics
of all transmission parameters.
The low inherent self-noise and the high overload
point guarantees a dynamic range of this micro-
phone of more than120 dB, which is substantially
more than figures found in conventional micropho-
nes and other associated equipment.
The switchable attenuation of the output level by
10 dB is especially useful in connection with high
sound pressure levels (when used in close proximity
to high-energy sound sources) and using input stages
of amplifiers or mixing desks with limited input level
capabilities. Otherwise, this associated equipment
will overload before the maximum overload point of
the microphone has been reached.
The switchable +6 dB preamplifier gain boost is a