Example: In Figure 13, we split the system into 2 groups, with a door and a master in each group. Figure 14 gives access for each group, and
for each paging zone. Put a check box in the column for each group you want that column to have access to. In this example, group 1 has
access to group 1 and paging zone 1. Group 2 can call group 1 and 2, and has access to the All Page and paging zones 1 and 2. You can also
restrict which contact outputs can be triggered from which location. Remember the rule, a check box allows the device at the top of the
column access and a blank box denies that interaction.
Advanced: Incoming Calls
To set up automatic transferring and multiple masters getting
a call, the feature intended must be enabled and then specific
assignments must be made in the called station’s Function
Settings(2) tab. There are 5 ways to handle an incoming call.
Group call: Enabled in the called station’s Station tab. Each
incoming door call will also ring up to 15 additional masters.
Call forwarding: Enabled in the Exchange’s Function Settings
tab, or in Function Settings1 tab of an IP master. User may
assign masters on the fly using the key combination Function +
41 + # + (#/\ ), see page 66, or section 2-17.
Time-based call forwarding: Enabled in the Exchange’s
Function Settings tab, or in Function Settings1 of an IP master.
This will auto forward the call to the assigned station in the
called station’s Function Settings(2) tab during the hours
Group hunting: Enabled in the Exchange’s Function Settings
tab, or in Function Settings1 tab of an IP master. This will
forward the call to the assigned station should the called
station be busy in conversation.
Absence transfer: Enabled in the Exchange’s Function Settings
tab, or in Function Settings1 tab of an IP master. This will
forward the call to the assigned station after the interval
specified (default is 10 seconds).
Advanced: Group Blocking
Group Blocking allows you to segment your system in ways
that prevent certain stations from having access to some
features of or stations on your system. This is important for
applications where an emergency broadcast is needed, or
when some departments shouldn’t be opening doors for other
Fill out the “Group blocking groups” until the system is
segmented the way you intend it to be. Each column
represents a section of the system and the rows beneath it
determine access to the other sections. For Group 1, go down
the list and check each box to enable that Group 1 to call that
group. When you have finished with Group 1’s permissions,
move on to the next column and fill out Group 2’s permissions
in the same way. The All page can be enabled for a particular
group, but each paging zone that would be part of that All
Page must also be enabled. When in doubt, a checked box
allows an interaction from the Group column to the object
row, a blank box denies that interaction. Remember the
reverse is not necessarily true, so Group 1 may be able to dial
Group 2, but Group 2 would not be able to dial them back
unless there is a check box next to 1 under the Group 2
Figure 12: Function Settings2 to specify which Station Number
Figure 13: Group blocking group assignments.
: Function Settings1 to enable call forwarding.