Quick Reference 1
Series N6700 User’s Guide 17
SCPI Command Description
[SOURce:]LIST (continued)
:STEP ONCE | AUTO, (@chanlist) Specifies how the list responds to triggers
:TERMinate:LAST <Bool>, (@chanlist) Sets the list termination mode
:BOSTep[:DATA] <Bool> {,<Bool>}, (@chanlist) Generate triggers at the Beginning Of Step
:POINts? (@chanlist) Returns the number of beginning of step list points
:EOSTep[:DATA] <Bool> {,<Bool>}, (@chanlist) Generate triggers at the End Of Step
:POINts? (@chanlist) Returns the number of end of step list points
:VOLTage[:LEVel] <NRf> {,<NRf>}, (@chanlist) Sets the voltage list
:POINts? (@chanlist) Returns the number of voltage level points
POWer:LIMit <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the power limit on output channels
STEP:TOUTput <Bool>, (@chanlist) Generate a trigger output on the voltage or current step transient
[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the output voltage
:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the triggered output voltage
:MODE FIXed | STEP | LIST, (@chanlist) Sets the voltage trigger mode
:PROTection[:LEVel] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the over-voltage protection level
:RANGe <NRf+>, (@chanlist) Sets the output voltage range (Agilent N6761A/62A)
:SLEW[:IMMediate] <NRf+> | INFinity, (@chanlist) Sets the output voltage slew rate
[:EVENt]? (@chanlist) Returns the value of the operation event register
:CONDition? (@chanlist) Returns the value of the operation condition register
:ENABle <NRf>, (@chanlist) Enables specific bits in the Event register
:NTRansition <NRf>, (@chanlist) Sets the Negative transition filter
:PTRansition <NRf>, (@chanlist) Sets the Positive transition filter
:PRESet Presets all enable and transition registers to power-on
[:EVENt]? (@chanlist) Returns the value of the questionable event register
:CONDition? (@chanlist) Returns the value of the questionable condition register
:ENABle <NRf>, (@chanlist) Enables specific bits in the Event register
:NTRansition <NRf>, (@chanlist) Sets the Negative transition filter
:PTRansition <NRf>, (@chanlist) Sets the Positive transition filter
:CHANnel[:COUNt]? Returns the number of output channels in a mainframe
:MODel? (@chanlist) Returns the model number of the selected channel
:OPTion? (@chanlist) Returns the option installed in the selected channel
:SERial? (@chanlist) Returns the serial number of the selected channel
:RLSTate LOCal | REMote | RWLock Specifies the Remote/Local state of the instrument
:TCPip:CONTrol? Returns the control connection port number
:ERRor? Returns the error number and error string
:CATalog? Returns the groups that have been defined
:DEFine (@chanlist) Group multiple channels together to create a single output
:DELete <channel> Removes the specified channel from a group
:ALL Ungroups all channels
:PASSword:FPANel:RESet Resets the front panel lock password to zero
:REBoot Returns the unit to its power-on state
:VERSion? Returns the SCPI version number