Protect PV.500-MH Operating Instructions
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Only operate the equipment in perfect working order and in ac-
cordance with good electrical engineering practice
Arrange a fault detection check immediately if the equipment
starts to behave differently
Keep all safety signs and warning notices on the equipment in a
complete and clearly legible condition
Install fire extinguishers in the immediate vicinity of the equip-
1.3.2 Skilled Personnel Skills and Training
Only trained and qualified skilled personnel may perform the work
described, using tools, equipment and test equipment intended for
the purpose and in perfect working order.
All work is coordinated and monitored by the person responsible
for work. The person responsible for work is directly responsible
for the execution of the work. Before work commences, the person
responsible for work must inform the person responsible for the
equipment and agree on a work schedule with him. The persons
responsible for the work and equipment must be trained and quali-
fied skilled personnel and may be one and the same person.
"Trained skilled personnel" means electricians who as a result of
their specialist training:
Have knowledge and experience of the relevant standards,
regulations, requirements and accident prevention regulations
Have been instructed in the mode of operation and operating
conditions of the equipment
Have the ability to assess the effect of any intended work on
the safe operation of this particular equipment
Can assess the work and recognise and avoid potential risks
Compliance with the safety instructions described is essential for
the protection of skilled personnel and the equipment. Skilled per-
sonnel must be aware of and follow these safety instructions.