
Alarm 66:
After several attempts detecting “Inverter Fault/Overload” (see Alarm 65),
the inverter will be blocked permanently,and output will be transferred to bypass.
Alarm 67:
The way to start up the inverter is on voltage ramp mode (rms value from
sine wave voltage starts at 0 Vrms till reaching its preset nominal value, i.e.,
230 Vrms). If when doing the voltage ramp is detected any fault, the inverter will
be shutdown for while, and it will retry to start it up several times
(see description of the Alarm 48 too).
Alarm 68:
When a high or low DC bus voltage is detected, rectifier is shutdown for a while,
in order to retry to start up later on (see description of Alarm 41 too).
Alarm 69:
In parallel system, rectifiers from the equipment of the system connected in
parallel can be shutdown, due to the management of system as a whole, therefore
this alarm is activated.
Alarm 70:
In a parallel system, the inverters of the equipment of the system connected at the
output can be shutdown, due to the management of system as a whole, therefore
this alarm is activated.
Alarm 71:
This alarm is displayed when a combined shutdown of the PFC-rectifier and
inverter has been done at the same time (there are several reasons).
Alarm 72:
This message is displayed if there has been a simultaneous shutdown in a parallel
systems rectifier and inverter.
Alarm 73:
In parallel mode, this message appears when a communication error in the
redundant parallel communication has occurred. Possible reasons for this are
parallel communication cable separation, incorrect connection, incorrect
configuration of the devices etc. In this case one of the devices should be defined
as a master and the others as permanent slaves. This state is maintained until the
fault is cleared and the UPS system is rebooted.