SNC 5100
120 Commands
Input Power: +5 Volts (V):
Nominal: 4.83 to 5.20
Warning: 4.75 <= N < 4.83 or 5.20<N<=5.25
Alarm: N < 4.75 or N > 5.25
Input Power: +12 Volts (V):
Nominal: 11.00 to 12.93
Warning: 10.75 <= N < 11.00 or 12.93<N<=13.18
Alarm: N < 10.75 or N > 13.18
Local Power: +2.5 Volts (V):
Nominal: 2.42 to 2.58
Warning: 2.36 <= N < 2.42 or 2.58<N<=2.62
Alarm: N < 2.36 or N > 2.62
Local Power: +3.3 Volts (V):
Nominal: 3.20 to 3.39
Warning: 3.13 <= N < 3.20 or 3.39<N<=3.46
Alarm: N < 3.13 or N > 3.46
Local Power: +3.3 Volts Aux (V):
Nominal: 3.20 to 3.39
Warning: 3.13 <= N < 3.20 or 3.39<N<=3.46
Alarm: N < 3.13 or N > 3.46
Fan :
Nominal: 1; Alarm: 0
SN600012 >
ethAddrGet command displays the IP address of the SNC 5100, specified
as 4 decimal numbers separated by periods
SN60023 > ethAddrGet
IP Address set to
SN60023 >