Managing the AMASS File System
2-16 Operational Tasks 6-00028-01 Rev A
Take a Drive Out of Service
To take a drive out of service — whether because of excessive
failures or for maintenance — use the procedure in the
following table.
If all drives are out of service, AMASS suspends requests until
a drive is returned to service.
For detailed information on the commands used in these steps, see
the "Command Reference" chapter.
Step Command Description
1Log in as amass or root.
drivelist drivenumber
For example:
drivelist 2
AMASS displays the current
status of the specified drive.
drivestat -i
For example:
drivestat -i 2
INACTIVATE the specified
AMASS performs the following
• If a volume is in the drive, it
is returned to its home
storage slot.
• All operations currently in
progress complete but no
further requests are queued
for the soon-to-be-inactive