About This Manual December 20, 2004
x LTPH-UM-1261-01
The following style conventions and terminology are used throughout this guide.
Appendix A: Signal and Pin Assignments Lists Tip and Ring signal and pin assignments to the HMS-318
List 3 shelf, including:
• P1-DSX-1 Receive or xDSL B IN, Tip and Ring
• P2-DSX-1 Transmit or xDSL A IN, Tip and Ring
• P3-HDSL Span 1 or xDSL A OUT, Tip and Ring
• P4-HDSL Span 2 or xDSL B OUT, Tip and Ring
Appendix B: Standard PIC Color Code Lists the standard PIC color codes with the Pair Number cross-
referenced with the colors of the Tip and Ring wires used by the
Appendix C: Circuit Card Preventive
Describes the preventive measures that should be observed
when using the shelf, including:
• Handling and storing of circuit cards
• Installing/replacing circuit cards sensitive to static electricity
Appendix D: Specifications Provides power requirements, physical dimensions,
recommended operational and storage environments, and
accessories for the HMS-318 List 3 shelf.
Appendix E: Product Support Provides information on how to contact the ADC Technical
Support group.
Glossary Defines abbreviations and acronyms used in this document and
that relate to the HMS-318 List 3 shelf.
Element Meaning
Bold font Text that you must input exactly as shown (e.g., type 1 for card 1), menu buttons
(e.g., ACCEPT SHELF OPTIONS) or menu screen options (e.g., ALARMS screen) that
you must select
Italic font Variables that you must determine before inputting the correct value (e.g., Password )
Monospace font References to screen prompts (e.g., Invalid Password...Try Again:.)
Reader Alert Meaning
Alerts you to supplementary information
Alerts you to supplementary information that is essential to the completion of a task
Alerts you to possible equipment damage from electrostatic discharge
Chapter Description