
Chapter 2: Installation August 7, 2006
2-6 AIWN-UM-7001-01
DB-9 Communications Cable
An RS-232 Craft port is provided through a DB-9 connector. Refer to your work order to determine the required
communications connections. After determining the required connections, make the necessary connection.
Shielded cable is recommended and the maximum cable length is 50 feet. A 1:1 cable is required to connect this
port to the male DTE com port of a PC. Pinout information is shown in Table 2-3 and Figure 2-6.
Table 2-3. EIA-232 DCE Control Connector (Female 9-Pin D-Sub)
Figure 2-6. 9-Pin D-Sub Connector
EIA-232 Communication Port Defaults
Host terminal or computer communication parameters must match the ENIU communication settings, see Table 2-4
for default settings.
Table 2-4. EIA-232 Serial Port Default Settings
Pin # Signal Name I/O Function
1 --- - Not used
2 TXD O Transmit Data
3 RXD I Receive Data
4 --- - Not used
5 GND Signal Ground
6 --- - Not used
7 --- - Not used
8 --- - Not used
9 --- - Not used
Communication Parameter Default
Baud Rate 115200
Data Bits 8
Parity 0
Stop Bits 1
No flow control