F. Thermal overload for drive motor is tripping...
1. Either an exceptionally low or high voltage supply.
2. Motor bearing failure.
3. Motor vents are blocked with lint.
4. Failed motor.
5. Failed overload.
6. Out of balance impellor (fan).
7. Insufficient make-up air.
G. Overload for impellor (fan) motor is tripping...
1. Either an exceptionally low or high voltage supply.
2. Motor bearing failure.
3. Motor vents are blocked with lint.
4. Failed motor.
5. Failed overload.
6. Insufficient make-up air.
H. Burner hi-limit safety thermostat is tripping...
1. Insufficient exhaust duct work, size or restriction in exhaust system.
2. Insufficient make-up air.
3. Lint screen needs cleaning.
4. Damaged impellor (fan).
NOTE: For models with the manual reset hi-limit thermostat refer to page 20.