LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Front Panel
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 5
Table 2 lists the front-panel display messages. The four-character display reports the code of a pertinent alarm,
loopback, or diagnostic message and, in some cases, is followed by a second four-character message that modifies
the first message with a value or current configuration setting.
Table 2. Front-Panel Display Messages
Message Full Name Description
ACO Alarm Cutoff A system alarm has occurred and has been retired to an ACO condition by
pressing the SEL pushbutton on the H2TU-C front panel.
ALRM Alarm Condition Exists A system alarm condition is in effect.
DBER DS1 Bit Error Rate A system DS1 BER alarm is in effect and remains in effect until cleared.
HBER HDSL2 Block Error Rate A system HDSL2 Block Error Rate alarm is in effect.
LA Loop Attenuation Indicates that the attenuation on the HDSL2 loop has exceeded the
maximum threshold value.
LAIS Line Alarm Indication Signal Indicates an AIS (unframed all ones) pattern, is being received or
transmitted at the H2TU-C DS1 input or output ports.
LLOS Line (Unit) Loss of Signal Indicates that no signal is detected at the DSX-1 input to the H2TU-C.
Causes a system alarm.
LOSW Loss of Sync Word Indicates that the HDSL2 loop has lost synchronization.
LRAI Line RAI Indicates an RAI alarm (yellow) from the CPE with an error-free signal
from the line unit or network. RAI signal is transmitted towards the
MAL Margin Alarm The margin on HDSL2 loop has dropped below the threshold
(0 to 15 dB) as set by the operator.
PWR FEED GND Ground The HDSL2 loop is grounded.
PWR FEED OPEN Open Indicates a line power open condition.
PWR FEED SHRT Short Indicates a short between the Tip and Ring of the HDSL2 pair.
PRMF Performance Report Messaging -
Far End
H2TU-R PRM-FE BER threshold has been exceeded.
PRMN Performance Report Messaging -
Near End
H2TU-R PRM-NE BER threshold has been exceeded.
RAIS Remote Alarm Indication Signal Indicates an AIS an (unframed all ones) pattern is being received at the
H2TU-R DS1 input port.
RLOS Remote (Unit) Loss of Signal Indicates that no signal is detected at the DS1 input to the H2TU-R. Causes
a system alarm.
RRAI Remote RAI Indicates an RAI alarm (yellow) from the CPE with errors from the line unit
or network.
TUC Transmission Unit Central Office Accompanies the HBER, MAL, and LA alarm and indicates that the alarm
has occurred at the H2TU-C central office unit.
TUR Transmission Unit Remote End Accompanies the HBER, MAL, and LA alarm and indicates that the alarm
has occurred at the H2TU-R remote unit.
CLOC Customer Local Loopback Signal from customer is looped back to the customer at the H2TU-R.
COLB Central Office Loopback Dual loopback at the H2TU-C.
CREM Customer Remote Loopback Signal from customer is looped back to the customer at H2TU-C-231.
NLOC Network Local Loopback DSX-1 signal is looped back to the network at the H2TU-C.