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Universal Radio Head
Universal Radio Head
Flexible Outdoor Coverage and Capacity
www.adc.com • +1-952-938-8080 • 1-800-366-3891
Alarm and Management System
The URH utilizes an embedded network
management for system configuration and
network monitoring. The element management
system (EMS) utilizes a web based interface or
SNMP protocol for easy accesses to the system.
The Element Management System (EMS) provides
operational and maintenance capabilities for the
URH system (Host and Remote). The EMS can be
used to access and monitor status of any Host
and any associated Remote Units. The EMS has
the ability to view status and parameter settings,
download software, change parameters and
monitor system performance and alarms
Access and troubleshooting can also be
accomplished on-site at either the Host Unit
and/or the Remote Unit by utilizing a craft
interface. Thus, allowing technicians the ability
to plug-in a laptop and access all associated
units connected to it.
Host Site Capabilities
The EMS performs the following functions
at the Host site:
Provides real-time information regarding faults•
Set up simulcast ratios•
Digital timing delays•
Displays various system level values •
(voltages, RF, power, etc.)
Records and generates history reports with •
time and date stamps
Adjusts performance related parameters •
of the Host Unit and Remote Unit
Permits placement of Host Unit and Remote •
Unit into standby mode
Allows download of new software versions •
to the Host Unit and Remote Units
Network Monitoring Capabilities
The embedded EMS allows for remote alarm
monitoring and network control of the
URH can also be performed from an off-site
location or Network Operation Center (NOC).
Communications to the NOC can be performed
using the web based interface or SNMP protocol.
The EMS performs the following functions at
off-site locations such as the NOC:
Provides real-time information regarding faults•
Displays various system level values •
(voltages, RF, power, etc.)
Adjusts performance-related parameters •
of the Host Unit and Remote Unit
Permits placement of Host Unit and Remote •
Unit into standby mode
Access records and generates history reports •
with time and date stamps
Allows download of new software versions •
to the Host Unit and Remote Units