LTPS-UM-8013-03 Local Configuration
D3LX CO and RMT Modules August 30, 2002 25
Use this procedure to set alarm indicators for equipment, optical
facilities, and DS3 facilities groups for each D3LX CO module. You
(EV), or NOT RPTD (not reported) for each field.
Setting Alarm Levels
1 From the Main menu, select 1. Alarms.
2 From the Alarms menu, select 6. Set Alarms Levels.
3 From the Set Alarm Levels menu, select 7. Set D3LX Alarm Levels.
The D3LX CO Alarm Levels screen appears as shown in Figure 14 on page 26.
4 In the Group toggle field, use to select the group number (1-7).
5 From the Equipment Alarms, Optical Facility Alarms, and DS3 Facility Alarms fields, select CRITICAL
(CR), MAJOR (MJ), MINOR (MN), EVENT (EV), or NOT RPTD (not reported) for each field. Default
alarm levels are shown in Table 6 on page 26. Assign the selections by pressing
Housekeeping Labels
1 and 2
Input Enter up to 8
Enter the remote housekeeping alarm label you
want for each field; the fields can be edited to
create customized labels. When a
housekeeping alarm occurs, for example, door
ajar, water on the floor, or fire alarm, the name
assigned is displayed in the condition column
of the Alarm History and Active Alarms screens.
SCU V3.7 = Blank
* This field shows as N/A if D3RCAM is not installed at the Four-Position Remote Terminal Cabinet or Two-Position QLX Remote BNC
Abbreviations of the alarm field options (except NOT RPTD) appear in the Active Alarms and
Alarm History screens. The option you select for a particular type of alarm determines whether
you will be notified when that type alarm occurs: critical, major, and minor alarms are audible
and visual notifications, events are system actions without audible and visual notifications, and
not reported alarms do not require notification.
Table 5. D3LX CO Configuration Fields–SCU V3.7 or later (Continued)
Field Name Type Options Description Default
1. Alarms
6. Set Alarm Levels
7. Set D3LX Alarm Levels