c. Steam damper stuck in
closed position...check for obstruction.
d. Leak in pneumatic system.
e. Failed steam damper air piston.
f. Flow control valve misadjusted.
2. Electrical Mechanical System...
a. Failed electrical mechanical motor.
b. Steam damper stuck in closed position...check for obstruction.
J. Dryer operates but is taking too long to dry...
1. Exhaust duct work run is too long or is undersized...back pressure cannot exceed 0.3 inches water
column (W.C.).
2. Restriction in duct work ...
a. Dryer back draft damper is sticking partially closed.
b. Restriction/obstruction in duct work ...
1) Check duct work from the dryer all the way to the outdoors.
3. Insufficient make-up air.
4. Impellor (fan/blower) is rotating in the wrong direction only (for 3ΓΈ Models ONLY).
5. Lint screen is dirty or is not being cleaned often enough.
6. Inadequate air flow ...
a. Impellor (fan/blower) failure.
1) Low and/or inconsistent gas pressure.
Natural Gas pressure - must be between 3.5 and 4.0 inches of water column (W.C.).
L.P. (liquid propane) Gas pressure - must be between 10.5 and 11.0 inches of water column (W.C.).
2) Poor air/gas mixture at burner (too much gas or not enough air) at the burner...yellow or poor flame
pattern ...
a. Not enough make-up air.
b. Restriction in the exhaust.