NOTE: To reset the Direct Spark Ignition (DSI) module if it is in the LOCKOUT mode, open and
close the main door, then restart the dryer.
(a) To check and/or set the 1/8” gap, use a DSI Ignitor gap feeler gauge (refer to the
illustration on page 41) or similar type device to determine the gap size. DO NOT
USE FEELER GAUGE TO SET GAP, use it only to determine the size of the gap.
If an adjustment is necessary, bend the ground rod to achieve the correct gap, then
recheck the 1/8” GAP with a feeler gauge.
(b) The alignment of the ignitor/flame-probe assembly in relation to the gap on the ignitor
electrode/ground rod must be maintained in as vertical (straight line) a position as
possible (refer to the illustration below) otherwise the DSI module will indicate
system malfunction and go into the LOCKOUT mode (L.E.D. will BLINK “GREEN”
NOTE: To reset the DSI module if it is in the LOCKOUT mode, open and close the main door, then
restart the dryer.
(c) The positioning of the ignitor/flame-probe assembly is extremely important because
it provides the necessary feedback information to the DSI module. The flame-probe
electrode must be positioned 1/4” minimum into the flame path (refer to the illustration
below) and must be positioned 1-inch (2.54 cm) maximum from the burner tube
(refer to the illustration below), otherwise, the DSI module will indicate a system
malfunction and go into the LOCKOUT mode (L.E.D. will LIGHT “RED”
NOTE: To reset the DSI module if it is in the LOCKOUT mode, open and close the main door, then
restart the dryer.
3) Air Turbulence
If there is sail switch flutter due to air turbulence or improper impellor rotation and/or a restriction in
the exhaust ductwork, the DSI module will cycle erratically. This in turn might cause the DSI
module to LOCKOUT (where the L.E.D. will BLINK “GREEN” CONTINUOUSLY).
a) If air turbulence causes the flame to move away from the flame-probe electrode (of the ignitor/
flame-probe assembly), or if the flame goes out completely during the heat (flame) cycle, the
DSI module will attempt to reestablish a flame by going into a reignition cycle.