a. The Direct Spark Ignition (DSI) Module is a 24 VAC device
designed to be the "controller" of the DSI system. When activated
by the dryer controls, this module constantly monitors and
controls the functions of the DSI system (i.e., spark activation,
gas valve off and on, flame verification, etc.). Additionally, the
DSI Module has self diagnostic capabilities.
c. The Burner Hi-Limit Switch is a thermostat type switch located
in the burner. Its function is to discontinue heat (flame) in the
event of an over temperature situation (above 330º F). For dryers
manufactured as of May 26, 1998, the hi-limit must be manually
reset once the device trips.
d. The Sail Switch Verification Assembly is located on the burner,
downstream of the flame tubes. Its function is to detect whether
or not there is sufficient air flow through the dryer. If the Sail
is not in the open position prior to a drying cycle, the
blower circuit will not be activated.
330º F Thermostat
Ignitor/Flame Probe Assembly
24 VAC
Direct Spark Ignition (DSI) Module
Sail Switch Verification Assembly
b. The Ignitor and Flame-Probe Assembly is located in the burner
flame area and is used to ignite the gas by use of a high voltage
spark (approximately 14,000 volts) and to provide feedback
information to the DSI (Direct Spark Ignition) Module as to
whether the burner flame is evident (on).