Chapter 11: Monitoring Your Storage Space ● 117
Using the Email Log
By default, email events are listed in the order they occurred, with the
most recent event first. To make it easier to find a specific event, click on
the column heads to sort events. You can also reorganize the column by
clicking and dragging the column heads (see the Figure on page 105).
Double-click on an event to see basic information about the event,
including the event type. (See page 116 for a list of event types.) Click
Next to see the next event in the list.
Finding the Email Log Files
In addition to appearing in the Email Log, event notifications are saved
in a log file named
raidsmtp.log, which can be found in the top-level
Adaptec Storage Manager folder.
raidsmtp.log file has a maximum capacity of 200 kilobytes (KBs).
When the capacity is exceeded, old events are copied into a file named
raidsmtp.old, and a new raidsmtp.log file is created. If a raidsmtp.old
already exists, it is overwritten.
Clearing the Email Log
To make it easier to monitor recent events, you can clear the Email Log.
Note: Clearing the Email Log doesn’t erase the existing raidsmtp.log file
(see above).
To c lear th e Ema il Log :
1 Open the Email Notification Manager. (See page 111.)