CounterPath eyeBeam 1.5
Account Properties – Account
Table 8: Account Properties – Account
Field Description
User Details
Display name This name is displayed in the eyeBeam display.
Other parties will see this name they are when connnected to you.
User name Typically the account number for the SIP account. For example, in
kpereira@domain.com, the user name is “kpereira”. Provided by your
Vo I P
service provider.
Password Provided by the service provider.
Authorization user name
May not be required. If it is required, it will be provided by your Vo I P service
Domain For example, in kpereira@domain.com, the domain is “domain.com”. Provided
by your
Vo I P service provider
Domain Proxy
Register with domain and receive incoming
Check this box if you want to register with your VoIP service provider, so that
you can receive incoming calls.
Typically, this field is checked.
A situation in which this field is unchecked is, for example, if your level of
service does not include the ability to receive incoming calls. In this case, turning
this field on may cause registration to fail (when you close the Account
Properties window), meaning that your eyeBeam cannot register with your VoIP
service provider.