Setup 6-7
6.4 System Configuration
The following screen is the basic system configuration screen.
Basic System Configuration Page 1/1
Current Date ---------------- [09/16/96]
Current Time ---------------- [16:30:35]
Diskette Drive A ------------ [1.44 MB 3.5-inch]
Diskette Drive B ------------ [ None ]
Cylinder Head Sector
Hard Disk 0 (1160 MB) ------- [Auto] 2358 16 63
Hard Disk 1 ( 0 MB) ------- [Auto] 0 0 0
Num Lock After Boot --------- [Disabled]
LCD Expansion Mode ---------- [Disabled]
↑↓ = Move Highlight Bar, ←→ = Change Setting
PgDn/PgUp = Move Screen, F1 = Help, Esc = Exit
to move from one parameter to another, and
change parameter settings.
Most of the parameters are self-explanatory, but you can press
to get
help on the selected parameter. Press
to exit the screen and return to
the main menu.
6.4.1 Date and Time
The current date is in MM/DD/YYYY format. The current time is in
HH:MM:SS format. The system uses a 24-hour clock which means, for
example, that 6:25:50 PM appears as 18:25:50.