81 Chapter 4
B1h Inform RomPilot about the end of
B2h POST done- prepare to boot operating
B4h 1 One short beep before boot
B5h Terminate QuietBoot (optional)
B6h Check password (optional)
B7h Initialize ACPI BIOS
B9h Prepare Boot
BAh Initialize SMBIOS
BBh Initialize PnP Option ROMs
BCh Clear parity checkers
BDh Display MultiBoot menu
BEh Clear screen (optional)
BFh Check virus and backup reminders
C0h Try to boot with INT 19
C1h Initialize POST Error Manager (PEM)
C2h Initialize error logging
C3h Initialize error display function
C4h Initialize system error handler
C5h PnPnd dual CMOS (optional)
C6h Initialize notebook docking (optional)
C7h Initialize notebook docking late
C8h Force check (optional)
C9h Extended checksum (optional)
CAh Redirect Int 15h to enable remote
CBh Redirect Int 13h to Memory
Technologies Devices such as ROM,
RAM, PCMCIA, and serial disk.
CCh Redirect Int 10h to enable remote serial
CDh Re-map I/O and memory for PCMCIA
CEh Initialize digitizer and display message.
D2h Unknown interrupt
The following are for boot block in Flash ROM
E0h Initialize the chipset
E1h Initialize the bridge
E2h Initialize the CPU
E3h Initialize the system timer
E4h Initialize system I/O
E5h Check force recovery boot
E6h Checksum BIOS ROM
E7h Go to BIOS
E8h Set Huge Segment
Code Beeps POST Routine Description