
BIOS Setup Information 3-7
3.4.3 System Boot Drive Control
This parameter determines which drive the notebook boots from when you turn it on. The
following table lists the three possible settings.
Table 3-4 System Boot Drive Control Settings
Setting Description
Drive A Then C
Notebook boots from floppy drive A. If there is no system disk in drive A, the
notebook boots from hard disk C. If the hard disk is a non-system disk, an error
message appears.
Drive C Then A Notebook boots from hard disk C. If hard disk C is not a system disk, the notebook
boots from floppy drive A. If no diskette is present or if the diskette in floppy drive
A is a non-system disk, an error message appears.
Drive C Notebook boots from hard disk C. If hard disk C is not a system disk, an error
message appears.
Drive A Notebook boots from floppy drive A. If no diskette is present or if the diskette in
floppy drive A is a non-system disk, an error message appears.
An installed PCMCIA bootable card overrides the System Boot Drive setting.
The notebook supports SRAM card boot.
3.4.4 CD-ROM Bootable
When enabled the notebook checks the CD-ROM drive first and boots from there, if possible,
before checking the System Boot Drive control setting.
There are two image types/formats for CD-ROMs - floppy drive and hard disk. See Table 3-5 for a
Table 3-5 CD-ROM Image Descriptions
Image Type Upon Boot-up…
Floppy Drive CD-ROM drive becomes drive A and the floppy drive becomes drive B. The hard
disk drive remains drive C.
Hard Disk CD-ROM drive becomes drive C and the hard disk drive becomes drive D. The
floppy drive remains drive A.