Chapter 4 151
Post Codes
These tables describe the POST codes and descriptions during the POST.
Chipset POST Codes
The following table details the chipset POST codes and functions used in the POST.
Port 80 Code Driver Name Port 80 Code Driver Name
01 PeiEventLog 41 StatusCode
02 OemServices 42 Variable
03 SioInit CF SmmVariable
04 MonoStatusCode 43 EmuVariable
08 PentiumMCpuPeim A2 TcgDxe
09 PlatformStage1 A3 PhysicalPresence
0A Variable AE TpmDriver
0B IchInit AE TcgSmm
0D PlatformStage2 AE PhysicalPresenceReadyT
0E IchSmbusArpDisabled AD DataHubRecordPolicy
12 ClockGen 86 Undi
13 OpPresence 90 SNP
14 TcgPei 91 BC
15 FindFv 92 PxeDhcp4
2F DxeIpl 93 Ebc
10 LightMemoryInit 4D IsaBus
11 S3ResumeSoftSmi 4E IsaSerial
31 Crc32SectionExtract 6D Ps2Mouse
A4 OemServices 4F IdeBus
A5 EventLog 50 LightPciBus
32 ScriptSave 6E UsbBot
33 AcpiS3Save 6F UsbCbi0
34 SmartTimer 70 UsbCbi1
35 JpegDecoder 71 UsbKb
36 PcxDecoder 72 UsbMassStorage
8A PlatformBds 74 UsbMouse
37 MpCpu 8F Ehci
38 LegacyMetronome 73 Uhci
39 FtwLite 75 UsbBus
3A Runtime C2 SmmBase
3B MonotonicCounter C5 SmmDisp
3C WatchDogTimer C4 SmmReloc
3D SecurityStub C7 SmmRuntime
3E CpuIo C9 SmmThunk
3F Cf9Reset D8 OemServices
40 PcRtc 44 ChipsetInit