26 Chapter 1
Audio onboard or optional Built-in
Mono or Stereo Stereo
Resolution 20 bit stereo Digital to analog converter
18 bit stereo Analog to Ditial converter
Compatibility Microsoft PC99, AC97 2.2 & WHQL
Mixed sound source CD
Sampling rate 48 KHz
Internal microphone No
Internal speaker / Quantity Yes / 2
Video Interface
Item Specification
Video vendor ATI
Video name M9+X
Chip voltage Core/1.5V
Supports ZV (Zoomed Video) port No
Video Resolution Mode (for both LCD and CRT)
Resolution 16 bits (High color) 32 bits (True color)
1024*768 Yes Yes
1400*1050 (SXGA) Yes Yes
1600*1200 (UXGA) Yes Yes
1280*1024 (Monitor) Yes Yes
Parallel Port
Item Specification
Parallel port controller SMSC LPC47N227
Number of parallel port One
Location Rear side
Connector type 25-pin D-type connector, in female type
Parallel port function control Enable/Disable/Auto (BIOS or operating system chooses
configuration) by BIOS setup
Note: Depending on your operating system, disabling an unused
device may help free systen resources for other devices.
Supports ECP/EPP/Bi-directional
(PS/2 compatible)
Yes (set by BIOS setup)
Note: When Mode is selected as EPP mode, “3BCh” will not be
Optional ECP DMA channel (in
BIOS setup)
DMA channel 1
Optional parallel port I/O address
(in BIOS setup)
378h, 278h
Optional parallel port IRQ (in
BIOS setup)
Audio Interface
Item Specification