Chapter 2 39
The Security screen contains parameters that help safeguard and protect your computer from
unauthorized use.
The table below describes the parameters in this screen. Settings in boldface are the default and
suggested parameter settings.
Set Supervisor/User Password
If password on boot is required, the password must be set otherwise it cannot be enabled.
The formats of the password are as follows:
Length No more than 8 characters
Characters 0-9,A-Z (not case sensitive)
Parameter Description Option
Set User Password Press Enter to set the user password.
When set, this password protects the
BIOS Setup Utility from unauthorized
Length -- No more than 8
Characters -- 0-9, A-Z (not
case sensitive)
Set Supervisor Password Press Enter to set the administrator
password. When set, this password
protects the BIOS Setup Utility from
unauthorized access.
Primary Harddisk Security Disabled
Phoenix cME FirstBIOS Pro Setup Utility
Information Main Advanced Security Boot Exit
Item specific Help
Supervisor Password Is: Clear
User Password Is: Clear Supervisor Password
controls access to the
Set Supervisor Password: [Enter] setup utility.
Set User Password: [Enter]
Primary Harddisk Security: [Disabled]
Password on Boot: [Disabled]
F1 Help np Select Item F5/F6 Change Values F9 Setup defaults
Esc Exit mo Select Menu Enter SelectSub-Menu F10 Save and Exit