PCI-COM422/4 Manual
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Manual MPCICOM422-4.E1b
To copy the files on the master diskette to your hard disk, perform the following steps.
1. Place the master diskette into a floppy drive.
2. Change the active drive to the drive that has the diskette installed. For example, if the diskette
is in drive A, type ???.
3. Type ???????? and follow the on-screen prompts.
Directories Created on the Hard Disk
The installation process will create several directories on your hard disk. If you accept the installation
defaults, the following structure will exist.
Root or base directory containing the SETUP.EXE setup program used to help you configure jumpers
and calibrate the card.
DOS\PSAMPLES: A subdirectory of [CARDNAME] that contains Pascal samples.
DOS\CSAMPLES: A subdirectory of [CARDNAME] that contains "C" samples.
Win32\language: Subdirectories containing samples for Win95/98 and NT.
A Windows dumb-terminal type communication program designed for RS422/485 operation.
Used primarily with Remote Data Acquisition Pods and our RS422/485 serial communication
product line. Can be used to say hello to an installed modem.
This directory contains the Windows 95/98/NT driver used to provide access to the hardware registers
when writing 32-bit Windows software. Several samples are provided in a variety of languages to
demonstrate how to use this driver. The DLL provides four functions (InPortB, OutPortB, InPort, and
OutPort) to access the hardware.
This directory also contains the device driver for Windows NT, ACCESNT.SYS. This device driver
provides register-level hardware access in Windows NT. Two methods of using the driver are
available, through ACCES32.DLL (recommended) and through the DeviceIOControl handles provided
by ACCESNT.SYS (slightly faster).