BIOS Setup 3-9
Leave this item to its default setting.
Leave this item to its default setting.
Cas Access Delay(tCAC):
Leave this item to its default setting.
Graphic Win Size:
This item specifies the amount of system memory that can be used by AGP card.
AGP Fast Write:
If your AGP card supports this “Fast Write” function, this option will increase your system performance
by selecting [Enabled], but it may also decrease system compatibility.
AGP Capability:
This item selects the proper AGP data transfer rate for your AGP card.
Post Write Combine:
While as the AGP command is usually executed one by one, this item selects executing the AGP
command together. Choose [Enabled] only when compatibility issue occurs.
No Mask for SBA FE:
This item selects masking the AGP calibrating signal for certain VGA cards. Choose [Enabled] only
when compatibility issue occurs.
Hyper-Threading Technology
Leave this item to its default setting to enable the simultaneous multi-threaded (SMT) processor so as to
make one physical processor looks like two logical processors to the OS and applications.
This option is for CPU with Hyper-Threading Technology only. For more information on
“Hyper-Threading Technology”, please visit Intel Web site at
, http://www.intel.com/design/chipsets/ht/.
APIC Select:
• [Enabled]: The APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller) mode will expand available
IRQs resources for the system.
• [Disabled]: The system will use the default PCI IRQs for all devices, and will not increase the
number of PCI IRQs.
NOTE: Assume you enable this item first before installing Windows
2000 or Windows
XP operating
system, disabling this item and then reboot the system will cause the system hang. You have to change
this option to [Enabled] to make your system back to normal.
User’s Manual