Troubleshooting and Support 3-3
4 Your computer beeps during POST or the graphics card is
detected incorrectly. If another graphics card is plugged into
an expansion slot, remove it. If a graphics chip is built-in to
your computer motherboard, your system may not have
automatically disabled it when you installed your
G740A/G740B Graphics Accelerator card. Check your
system manual for instructions on how to manually disable the
built-in graphics chip.
5 There could be a conflict between the application and the
G740A/G740B Graphics Accelerator card. Make sure that you
have installed the latest available display drivers. Try disabling
Hardware Acceleration in the Advanced Graphics Settings of
the System application in the Windows Control Panel if the
problem is specific to this application.
6 DirectX may not be installed, or an older version of DirectX
may be installed. Most programs that use DirectX install it as
part of their installation, but some do not. Also, some older
programs may install an earlier version of DirectX (overwriting
a later version).
7 The files containing the G740A/G740B Graphics Accelerator
display drivers may have become corrupt. Reinstall the
drivers and try again.
Technical Support
For the latest information or any questions, call your local Field Sales