Model C5000 Station Selector Operating Procedures
3M 1998 July 3
When a customer presses a Call Station button, the amber call indicator key for
that Call Station (1 through 16) flashes on the Station Selector and an
intermittent tone sounds.
The system arranges calls from customers in a first-come first-served order.
To answer a call from a Call Station, do the following:
1. Press and hold the TALK key to talk to the first customer in order.
• The call indicator light stops flashing, but remains lit.
• The red talk indicator lights.
• The system automatically connects to the first customer.
2. Release the TALK key to listen to the customer.
• The green listen indicator lights.
• The call indicator remains lit.
3. When finished talking and listening to the customer, press the STANDBY
• The call is disconnected and the call indicator turns off.
• The standby indicator lights.
4. If other call indicators are lit, repeat Steps 1 through 3 to answer each call
in order.
To override the call order, press the Station Selector number key for the desired
Call Station. The Station Selector enters LISTEN mode for the selected Call
Station. Perform TALK, LISTEN and disconnect functions as described in
Steps 2 through 4 above.
To call a specific Call Station from the Station Selector, do the following:
1. Press the selection key for the desired call station.
• The amber call indicator for the selected Call Station lights.
• The standby indicator light goes off.
• The green LISTEN indicator lights.
2. Press and hold the TALK key to talk to the customer.
• The call indicator remains lit.
• The red talk indicator lights.
3. Release the TALK key to listen to the customer.
• The green listen indicator lights.
• The call indicator remains lit.
4. When finished talking and listening to the customer, press the STANDBY
• The call is disconnected and the call indicator turns off.
• The standby indicator lights.
Repeat Steps 1 through 4 to initiate another call.
! Note
If VOX (Voice Activated Transmission) is enabled on your system, you can
speak to the customer without pressing TALK once a connection to a Call
Station has been established.
Speak within two inches of the microphone to be heard clearly. Remember that
conversations in the store can be heard through the open microphone and that
the connection remains open until you press STANDBY to disconnect.
To talk to all Call Stations at the same time, press and hold the ALL CALL key.
Release the ALL CALL key when the message is completed.
Operating the
Station Selector
Initiating a Call
Responding to a Call