Programming the System
Performance Series
Error Message
The system will display one error message: No Communication.
This message occurs when there is no communications between the Station
Selector and Communications Controller. To correct this:
• Be sure Communications Controller is powered on.
• Be sure pins 2 and 3 of J3 on the Communications Controller are
connected to pins 2 and 3 of J8 (RS-485 connector) on the Station
Selector. Polarity must be correct!
• Call 3M Technical Service to confirm software compatibility between
station selector and communication controller.
Parameter Selection
Memorized parameters are given below. These parameters are stored in the
EEPROM. The 16-character by 2-row LCD displays the parameters.
A number (1 to 15 inclusive). Default = 15. This number must be unique
relative to all other Station Selector ID numbers used in the system.
Displays the model of the Communications Controller connected to the Station
Selector. If no Communications Controller is connected {Undefined} will be
A number (1 to 24 inclusive). Total number of Call Stations in the system.
Default = What the Communications Controller senses. Stations are numbered
starting with 1 up to this value. This value should be adjusted to equal the
number of speakers connected to the Communications Controller, preventing
an operator from accessing an unwired Call Station. If installing or removing
additional I/O cards after the initial installation, you must re-program
parameter03for each station selector connected to the system.
A value (On, Off). Default = Off.
Off = normal operation.
On = Station Selector will only respond to page requests from other Station
Selectors. It will not respond to Call Station requests. This is useful for a
Station Selector placed in a manager’s office. The manager will not hear Call
Station alerts. He will hear only page requests from employee’s Station
A number (1 to 15 inclusive). Default = 08. Adjusts the volume of the Station
Selector alert tone (Chime or Beep). A value of 15 is the loudest setting.
Beep or Chime. Default = Chime.
! E R R O R !
01:Selector ID #
{D2400 1-Chnl}
03:Max Stations
04:Silence Calls
05:Alert Volume
06:Alert Type