TCP Port Access 9
RTP Port Range
To calculate the highest RTP port number used by the VCX Unified
Messaging Suite, use this formula:
Highest Port Number = (Number of Ports) * 2 + (Start RTP Port -1)
UDP Port Range
The IP Messaging System transmits and receives fax information using the
UDPTL protocol and uses UDP ports. UDP port numbers start immediately
after the RTP port range.
Starting UDP Port Number
To calculate the starting port number in the UDP range, use this formula:
UDP Start Port = (Number of Ports) * 2 + (Start RTP Port)
Formula Element Explanation
Number of Ports The default for IP Messaging is 144 ports. During the IP
Messaging installation process, you are given an opportunity
to change this value. If you changed the value, use the
number that you chose.
Add the number of ports used by the V7111 and V7122
gateways on your system. See
“Analog and Digital Gateway
Ports”, later in this section.
Start RTP Port Default = 8000. If you have modified the default starting
port number, use the number you selected.
Formula Element Explanation
Number of Ports The default for IP Messaging is 144 ports. During the IP
Messaging installation process, you are given an opportunity
to change this value. If you changed the value, use the
number that you chose.
Add the number of ports used by the V7111 and V7122
gateways on your system. See
“Analog and Digital Gateway
Ports”, later in this section.
Start RTP Port See “RTP Port Range Calculations”, earlier in this document.