3-18 PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installation
Installing a T1 or E1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card
Step Action
1 Place the interface card on an antistatic mat.
2 Set the I/O base address for the card using the DIP switches at SW1.
3 Power down the PathBuilder S200 series switch by unplugging the AC
power plug.
4 Remove the cover from the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch as
shown in Figure 4-1 on page 4-4.
5 Use expansion slot 8. If necessary, unfasten the bracket screw and
remove the bracket that covers the chassis opening for slot 8.
6 Holding the interface card by the rear bracket and board edges, gently
insert the card into expansion slot 8, aligning the card with the card
guides and making proper connection on the motherboard. Ensure that
the card is seated securely in the expansion slot.
7 Secure the card to the chassis using the bracket screw.
8 Connect the 40-pin MVIP ribbon cable to the Multi-Vendor Integration
Protocol interface on the top edge of the digital PBX interface card by
snapping it so that the tabs match.
9 Connect the other end of the 40-pin MVIP ribbon cable to the
appropriate DSPM/SM cards’ MVIP connector by snapping it so that
the tabs match.
10 Replace the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch cover.
11 Connect the spans to the connectors on the digital PBX interface card
rear bracket.
12 Plug the AC power cord in.
The LEDs on the rear bracket remain off until the card is reset
and the software is downloaded. after the download is complete, the
green RUN LED remains on.