Summary of Alarm Options:
Source Knob Position: OFF FM AM iPod/Aux
Alarm Action: Beep FM AM iPod (if docked)/Beep
After the alarm has been set and the iSongBook is On, press the Alarm button briefl y any time
to verify the alarm set time. If the Alarm has been set and the iSongBook is in the Off position,
the alarm wake time will be shown in the upper right hand corner.
3. To Re-set the Alarm for the next day: After the alarm activates, press the Alarm button to
re-set the alarm for the following day. The word “Alarm” will appear and the unit will go into
Standby. Changing the source knob to another position will cancel Standby mode.
The iSongBook’s internal charger will “fast” charge the six NiMH or NiCAD batteries if the adapter
is connected, the Batteries/Charger switch is correctly set, and the iSongBook is switched Off.
Otherwise, the batteries receive a slow “trickle” charge. All six NiMH/NiCAD batteries must be
correctly installed for charging to take place. While charging, the LCD will show the battery icon
with the signal bars cycling. This will disappear from the display once the batteries have fully
charged. It is normal for the rear panel to become warm while the batteries are charging. A docked
iPod will also receive a full charge except when the iSongBook is tuned to AM. This is intentional
since the internal charger reduces AM reception. See the quick reference chart below for
charging status:
Source Knob Position: OFF FM AM iPod/Aux
iSongBook Charge: Fast Trickle Trickle Trickle
Docked iPod Charge: Fast Fast None Fast
The iSongBook operates strictly from battery power alone when the AC adapter is not connected
and all six batteries are correctly installed.
The iSongBook operates solely from the external power adapter whenever it is connected.
The iSongBook may be used with the AC adapter exclusively without batteries installed.
The LCD will show battery strength whenever the iSongBook is on and batteries are installed.
The battery strength meter is approximate. Three bars represent full strength, two bars represent
roughly 50% strength, and one bar represents about 25% remaining strength. The signal strength
meter will not be shown when there are no batteries installed and the iSongBook is operating
from the power supply.