Setting the System
Language Settings
Select Language in Settings.
● Use , to select the language for displaying menu.
● Chinese(S) → Chinese(T) → Dutch → English → French → German → Hungarian →
Italian → Japanese → Korean → Polish → Portuguese → Russian → Spanish → Swedish
● Use , to select the language for displaying Tag information.
● Afrikaans → Basque → Catalan → Chinese(S) → Chinese(T) → Czech → Danish →
Dutch → English → Estonian → Finnish → French → German → Greek → Hrvatski →
Hungarian → Icelandic → Itallian → Japanese → Korean → Norwegian → Polish →
Portuguese → Romany → Russian → Slovak → Slovene → Spanish → Swedish →
Turkish → Vietnamese → Return
- What is an ID3 Tag ?
This is what is attached to an MP3 to carry information relevant to the file, such as the title,
artist, album, year, genre and a comment field.
- Supported languages can be changed or added.
Select System in Settings.
● Use , to select Resume On or Off.
● On: Play back music from the part of music you listened last
if you play it back again after stopping.
● Off: Play back music from the beginning of music if you play
it back again after stopping.
● Use , to set the default volume from 0 to 30(Max).
● If the power is turned on again after having adjusted the
volume above the default value, music is played at the
default volume.
● If the power is turned on again after the volume was set to
within the default value, the music is replayed at the previously
played volume.
● Use , to set the Search Speed from 1sec to 1min.
● When you press and hold , to scan a track,
you can adjust the scanning speed.
I Menu
I Resume
I Default vol
I Search Speed
I ID3-Tag