TuneSelect and GameSelect
TuneSelect finds your favorite artists or songs and alerts you whenever they are being played on any
XM channel. You can save up to 30 songs or artists.
When you hear one of your favorite songs or artists, select 1 options →
TuneSelect Song or options → TuneSelect Artist. Your XMp3 radio
remembers the song title or artist name.
When any song or artist on your TuneSelect list is being played on any other XM 2
channel, your XMp3 radio alerts you with a short beep and by displaying
information about that song, artist, and channel.
Press the 3 XM button to change channels and hear that song or artist. If you don’t do
anything, the alert will go away after 6 seconds.
You can do the same thing with sports games; just select options → GameSelect.
Your XMp3 radio might find more than one TuneSelect or GameSelect entry; in that case, you’ll be
able to choose which one to listen to by turning the wheel.
To edit your TuneSelect list:
Select 1 menu → Settings → Edit Alerts.
Select 2 Edit TuneSelect.
You will see a list of TuneSelect entries.3
To change the type of alert, highlight that entry and press the 4 XM button.
Toggle between Alert On Artist or Alert On Song, choose Do Not Alert or Delete.