• ToconvertbetweenCentigrade(°C)andFahrenheit(°F)
temperature display, adjust °C/°F slide inside the battery
compartment of the sensor.
• If the main unit fails to receive signal from the sensor, only indoor
temperature can be displayed.
Improve sensor reception
When battery is correctly installed in the sensor, the sensor starts to
transmit RF signal to the main unit through Channel 1/2/3.
To improve the sensor reception,
• adjust the CHANNEL control inside the battery compartment
of the sensor.
• reduce the distance between the main unit and the sensor.
• press RESET on the sensor to restart transmission, in case of
sudden error or abnormal state.
To change to Channel 2 or 3 to transmit RF signal,
1 Press DISPLAY.
2 Rotate the knob until the corresponding icon appears.
3 Presstheknobtoconrm.
4 SwitchtheCHANNEL control to 2 or 3.
» The main unit and sensor begin to detect signal from Channel
2 or 3 and then display the outdoor temperature.
Enjoy nature sound
This clock radio provides realistic nature sounds of rooster, forest, sea,
rain, bell, and bird.