Sylvania SMPK4600 Portable DVD Player User Manual

Music Playback
Music Playback
Select on the main menu and press
to enter the music mode, then you can select
different songs by pressing / , and you can
easily play the song you’ve chosen by a simple
press of .
Display Lyrics
A-B repeat
While enjoying music, you can press to pause
While playing music, you can press to enter sub-menu.
or continue the music; press / to move back
Press / to select Replay Mode and then press again
to the previous song or jump to the next song;
to select Replay. The mark A is flashing on the display and
Hold / long to move your song forward or
wait for the setting. Press / to set mark A. Mark A is set if
rewind it. If you want to adjust the volume,
flashing stopped. Press / to set mark B. Mark B is set if
please press button and then press or
flashing stopped. The music between mark A and mark B will be
repeated until you press M button to disable the function.
The edited lyrics will be displayed synchronously
if you hold while playing music
And you can press once to quit the lyrics display scene.