24 Troubleshooting
No Output
• Checkthatallyoursystemcomponentsareturnedon.
• Checkyourspeakerwiresandconnections.
• Checkallinterconnectingcables.
• Tryhookingupadifferentsetofspeakers.Thelackof
output could point to a problem with other equipment
in your system (amp, pre-amp, processor, etc.)
Weak or no Output from Electrostatic Panel, Loss of Highs
• Checkthepowercord.Isitproperlyconnectedtothe
speaker and to the wall?
• Isthepowercordconnectedtoaswitchedoutlet?
• Dirtanddustmayneedtobevacuumedoff.Pleasesee
the FAQ regarding vacuuming.
• Ifusingasingle-wireconnection,checktomakesure
that the jumper clips are in place and that the binding
posts are firmly hand-tightened.
• Checkthebindingposts.Arethedirty?Ifsocleanthem
with rubbing alcohol.
• Checkthebindingposts.Aretheloose?Makesurethey
are firmly hand-tightened.
• Hasaforeignsubstance(suchasahouseholdcleaning
chemical or soap) been applied to the panel? If so the
speaker will require servicing.
Popping and Ticking Sounds, Funny Noises
• Theseoccasionalnoisesareharmlessandwillnothurt
your audio system or your speakers. All electrostatic
speakers are guilty of making odd noises at one time or
another. It is the result of airborne contaminates (most
notably dust). Vacuuming is recommended.
• Thesenoisesmaybecausedbydirtanddustparticles
collecting on the speaker, by high humidity.
• Dirtanddustmayneedtobevacuumedoff.Pleasesee
the FAQ regarding vacuuming.
Exaggerated Highs, Brightness
• Checkthetoe-inofthespeakers.ReadthePlacement
section of this manual for more information.
Muddy Bass
• Checkplacement.Trymovingthespeakersclosertothe
front and sidewalls.
• Checkthetypeoffeetthatarebeingused.Tryattaching
the coupling spikes.
• Possiblymeanslowelectrostaticpaneloutput.See
'Weak Output from Electrostatic Panel, Loss of Highs’.
Lack of Bass, No Bass
• Checkyourspeakerwires.Isthepolaritycorrect?
• Checkyourspeakerwires.Isthewooferworking?
• Checkyourspeakerwiresifbi-wiring.
• Ifusingasingle-wireconnection,checktomakesure
that the jumper clips are in place and that the binding
posts are firmly hand-tightened.
• Checkthebindingposts.Arethedirty?Ifsocleanthem
with rubbing alcohol.
• Checkthebindingposts.Aretheloose?Makesurethey
are firmly hand-tightened.
Poor Imaging
• Checkplacement.Arebothspeakersthesamedistance
from the walls? Do they have the same amount of toe-
in? Try moving the speakers away from the back and
• Checkthepolarityofthespeakerwires.Aretheycon-
nected properly?
• Tryswitchingtheleftspeakerwiththeright.
• AreyourspeakerssetupinanL-shapedroom?Ifso,
you may experience off-center imaging. Talk to your
dealer about acoustical room treatment options.