Koss 76 Portable Speaker User Manual

The UHF Guide costs $14.95 (Canada) plus 7% GST (15% in NB, NS, NF), US$19.95 (USA) CAN$25 (elsewhere).
The World of High Fidelity costs $21.95 (Canada) plus 7% GST (15%HST in NB, NS, NF), US$21.95 (USA) or CAN$30 (elsewhere).
See ordering information on the previous page.
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The books that explain…
The UHF Guide to
Ultra High Fidelity
This is our original book, which has been read
by thousands of audiophiles, both beginners and
advanced. It’s still relevant to much of what you want to
It’s a practical manual for the discovery and exploration
of high fidelity, which will make reading other
books easier. Includes in-depth coverage of how
the hardware works, including tubes, “alternative”
loudspeakers, subwoofers, crossover networks,
biamplification. It explains why, not just how. It has full
instructions for aligning a tone arm, and a gauge is
included. A complete audio lexicon makes this book
indispensable. And it costs as little as $9.95 in the US
and Canada (see the coupon).
Five dollars off each of these two books if you subscribe or renew at the same time
The World of High Fidelity
This long-running best seller includes these topics: The basics of
amplifiers, preamplifiers, CD players, turntables and loudspeakers.
How they work, how to choose, what to expect. The history of hi-
fi. How to compare equipment that’s not in the same store. What
accessories work, and which ones are scams. How to tell a good
connector from a rotten one. How to set up a home theatre system
that will also play music (hint: don’t do any of the things the other
magazines advise). How to plan for your dream system even if your
accountant says you can’t afford it. A precious volume with 224 pages
of essential information for the beginning or advanced audiophile!
At last, all of Gerard Rejskind’s State
of the Art columns from the first 60
issues of UHF. With a new introduction
to each column, 258 pages in all. Check
below to get your copy!
YES! Send me a copy of State of the Art .
It costs just $18.95 (Canada) plus 7% GST (15% in NB, NS, NF), US$18.95 (USA)
CAN$32 (elsewhere, including air mail)