• PANDORA,thePANDORAlogo,andthePandoratrade
dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Pandora Media, Inc., used with permission.
• HDRadioTechnologymanufacturedunderlicense
from iBiquity Digital Corporation. U.S. and Foreign
Patents. HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc”
logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital
• “AdobeReader”isatrademarkofAdobeSystems
• The“AAC”logoisatrademarkofDolbyLaboratories.
• LamarcadenominativayloslogosdeBluetoothson
propiedad de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. y cualquier uso de
dichas marcas por Kenwood Corporation está sujeto a
los términos de licencia. El resto de marcas comerciales
y nombres comerciales corresponden a sus respectivos
• iTunesisatrademarkofAppleInc.
• “MadeforiPod”and“MadeforiPhone”meanthatan
electronic accessory has been designed to connect
specifically to iPod or iPhone, respectively, and has
been certified by the developer to meet Apple
performance standards. Apple is not responsible for
the operation of this device or its compliance with
safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the
use of this accessory with iPod or iPhone may affect
wireless performance.
• iPhone,iPod,iPodclassic,iPodnano,andiPodtouch
are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and
other countries.