Using Advanced Settings
4.4 Display
1. Language
Set the display language to use in iAUDIO 7.
2. Title
Sets how the player displays file names on the screen.
Choose ID3 tag to display tag information (artist, title) while playback.
3. Play Time
Sets how it displays time information of current file.
Play time shows elapsed playback time and Remaining shows the remaining playback time.
4. Album Scroll
Sets how it scrolls album names displayed on the screen.
If set to OFF, scrolling will be disabled and if set to One Way, text will scroll starting from the left side.
5. Title Scroll
Sets how it scrolls titles displayed on the screen.
If set to OFF, scrolling will be disabled and if set to One Way, text will scroll starting from the left side.
6. Scrollspeed
Sets the scrolling speed for text displayed on the screen.
Larger the number, faster the scrolling speed.
7. Wallpaper
Sets the wallpaper for Music mode.
If None is selected, wallpaper is not displayed.
If Defaults is selected, default wallpaper will be displayed.
If Custom is selected, the image set as Wallpaper in Picture mode will appear as the wallpaper.
8. Lyrics
iAUDIO can display lyrics of music files that contain lyric information.
When enabled, lyrics of the music file being played is displayed on the screen.
Music files without lyrics will not display lyrics even if this feature enabled.
For more information on using lyrics, see LDB manager Guide at our website (www.COWON.com).