Error Messages
Error Messages
The following error messages are for the plug-in module. Typically, the error
messages indicate there is a problem with either the plug-in or the mainframe.
This section explains what the messages mean and offers a few suggestions
that might help resolve the error condition. If the suggestions do not eliminate
the error message, then additional troubleshooting is required that is beyond
the scope of this book. Additional error messages are listed in the
Agilent 83480A, Agilent 54750A User’s Guide
for the mainframe.
Memory error occurred in plug-in_:Try reinstalling
The mainframe could not correctly read the contents of the memory in the
Remove and reinstall the plug-in module. Each time a plug-in is installed, the
mainframe re-reads the memory in the plug-in module.
Verify the plug-in module is firmly seated in the mainframe slot.
Verify the knurled screws at the bottom of the plug-in module are finger-tight.
Install the plug-in in a different slot in the mainframe.