How do I turn on Bluetooth, I have a yashica Europe latest 6.0 version speaker, I want to play my iPod through the Bluetooth

Asked by Jackie on 08/24/2014 6  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 3 months ago

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0 Hi, You need to hold down the Play button, until you hear the Bluetooth device is ready to pair. Makesure your Bluetooth is turned on, on your phone. You will then need to click connect on your phone and you should then be able to play your music.
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0 Can I asked where you purchased it? I bought mine while on holiday and would like another one but am struggling to find it online. Are you able to help?
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0 How much did you buy urs for ?
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0 Brilliant little bluetooth speakers , I got mine in Tenerife for 29euros
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