I need a manual for the Eclipse Fit Clip 4GB MP3 playet

Asked by Dee on 08/17/2015 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 4 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Manuals page for various Eclipse products:


The specific manual for the 180 Pro:


Fit Clip manual (CLD MP3)


Fit Clip Plus manual (BL 8GB)


If any of those links go down in the future, don't despair; the 180 Pro and Fitclip manuals were captured by the Internet Wayback Machine (http://www.archive.org)

180 Pro archived manual:


Fit Clip Plus (CLD MP3) archived manual:


Fit Clip (T180 or SZM-P4061) archived manual:


The following information is as of 2015-09-02:

I was as frustrated as all of you (spent over an hour searching for the manual to my 180 Pro but all I got were spam sites at first). The link the company provides in the included documentation (http://www.eclipsemp3.com/support) 404's, & if you remove the /support it just redirects you to the corporate site of what I can only assume is the company that bought out the manufacturer some time last year (Trio Tablets). The link that the included leaflet gives for additional customer support (www.jlabaudio.com/support) seems to be a 3rd party, subsidiary, or parent company of either Eclipse or Trio (honestly don't care enough to check). While jlab "sells" the 180 Pro player, it's listed as "sold out" (http://www.jlabaudio.com/products/eclipse-180-pro) and none of the Eclipse players are listed on their manual page (http://www.jlabaudio.com/pages/manuals).

This was a pain in the @$$, but worth it; these players have been in stores for years now and from what I can gather it seems like they were all one-shot production runs from China where they cut costs by not including the manual, then the product sat on shelves for so long that the customer support info they *did* include went out of date.

Hope this helps.
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-1 That link to download the manual is bogus.  It goes to a web page that's selling lawn mowers.  WTF?
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