does eclipse mp3 player fit clip plus have random play feature

Asked by fernando barone on 07/23/2014 48  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 5 months ago

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4 Look, this is gonna sound weird, but it works. To activate the shuffle feature on these guys, go into the settings < Play Mode < Rand Folder. Now, go back to the menu. turn off your player, (with the slider on the side, not the middle button.) Turn it back on, and hold down the middle button. The screen will turn off. Hold the middle button down again, and shuffle should work. (At least, better than before.)
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2 how do you get it to play random? I've tried changing settings to "Rand Play" and that does nothing. What's the trick?
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-1 its comes repeat all, one and Shuffle can ever Playing Music on Mach Speed Eclipse Fit Clip Plus 8GB also with "Random All"
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-1 How long is it spouse to stay running
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