...stays on

Asked by Rosey on 01/24/2010 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 11 months ago

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0 We have 8 x 65sx models one keeps saying it's busy. How do I get rid of this. It transmits but doesn't receive. Have tried everything short of a brick. Please stop me taking this route. Have changed batteries. Zip effect..
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0 We have 8 x 65sx models one keeps saying it's busy. How do I get rid of this. It transmits but doesn't receive. Have tried everything short of a brick. Please stop me taking this route. Have changed batteries. Zip effect..
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0 We have 8 x 65sx models one keeps saying it's busy. How do I get rid of this. It transmits but doesn't receive. Have tried everything short of a brick. Please stop me taking this route. Have changed batteries. Zip effect..
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0 I have a set of Uniden uh065sx-2 hand helds and the busy signal stays on - this can not transmit or receive. The units are virtually brand new and worked perfectly 2 days ago.... I have completed everything... Please advise
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