manual for Technika MP3 Player MP 211EB This mp3 will not play when unplugged from the computer. we have charged it through the power lead but nothing happens when we try to play it.

Asked by Julie on 08/02/2012 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 12 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 To charge the battery plug into usb port turn on using the little switch,then pres the play button,the red LED should flash whilst charging for about 1.5 hrs The is a manual in PDF form on the MP3 player itself open it print then spend the next hour trying to workout what the person who was trying to translate it into English was thinking ! took me a while to work it all out! "if when the or light blink" etc !
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2 The Technika MP 211EB is identical to the Alba MP4200BUK from Argos. Enter "Alba MP4200BUK" in the search box above and you'll find the manual (PDF). Only one page, but better than nothing. Bad of Tesco not ot supply a manual.
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0 i am having th same problem did you find an answer to fix this?
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