I am having difficulty setting the clock on my Sony Drean Machine ICF_0218 email address: jbranham@embarqmail.com

Asked by JAN on 03/15/2010 10  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 9 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 I can hardly se the time on this clock during day light, it's OK during the night when its dark. Does anyone know if I can adjust the brightness? There are no hints in the manual.
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3 I can nt see the time during the daylight is there ant way to make it brighter
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3 Did anyone figure out how to set the clock?
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3 I can hardly se the time on this clock during day light, it's OK during the night when its dark. Does anyone know if I can adjust the brightness? There are no hints in the manual.
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2 I am having trouble too. Instead of going ahead for daylight savings it went backwards and is now two hours behind. Has anyone found a way to set the clock???
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2 Can't figure out how to set time on this clock. Help. Dream Machine ICF-C218
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2 This manual explains very clearly how to set the clock and turn off the automatic dst.
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0 At least you have the manual! Please share!
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0 I found this manual. LM series Manual.pdf
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