Asked by anthony on 06/30/2008 27  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 A file was uploaded I found this manual. Sharp SPC315.PDF
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5 It's really simple to fix it. just change the batteries and hold in the search/ timezone button
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5 To all those who have trouble you must change the batteries on the outside sensor FIRST then the clock making sure the clock is set to channel 1. Drove me nuts
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4 The Sharp SP315 clock is actually made by M.Z.Berger and is branded SharpTech. But they only print "Sharp" on the front of the clock. Very misleading! It's a decent clock but not great. If I'd known it wasn't really a Sharp I'd have thought twice before buying it.
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3 I have tried all 3 channels and it still does not ive me an outside temp. YES i have put batteries in both components
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1 The manual's instructions for setting the time manually are innacurate/wrong. I still have not figured out how to make the hour change... and the clock is not updating itself. I think this was a waste of money.
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0 link to instruction manual, gave accurateand precise information to use this device correctly.
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0 The posted pdf is missing the bottom of the page. Does anyone have the complete text for "Radio Controlled Time Feature"?
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0 Just found the complete manual. Forget the previous post.
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0 I downloaded the Manual and found it very Helpful. I learn more about how to set all the features on the Atomic Radio Clock. Thank You very much I will recomend this site to all my friends.
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0 I found the manual very helpful. I would never have figured out resetting the SPC315 w/o it.
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0 if anyone wants one of these clocks, send me an email..I have the outdoor sensor too.. doesn't work for Hawaii time which doesn't work for me... my clock is either two or three hours off..
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-2 How do I totally deactive both alarms on the Sharp Tech SPC315? They drive me crazy and all I want are all the functions EXCEPT the alarm.
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